
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Golden Gate Ficus Trim and Shower

Last year I got Chris this Golden Gate Ficus bonsai tree for Valentine's day, and it arrived by mail in pretty good shape. I saw it putting out new leaves all throughout the summer, but I guess I didn't realize just how well it was doing until I compared it to the previous post.

We've had a rainy warm December, so I decided to give it a quick shower in the rain and then bring it back inside. I don't think it's supposed to get below 55°F but a quick rain in 46°F won't hurt anything. The rain also dusted off the leaves for me, and now they look waxy and gorgeous. 

I gave the leaves a quick trim to round out the shape and make it look more like a tree and less like a bush. I don't know what true bonsai trimming looks like, but I think as long as it looks like a mini tree I'm on the right track. 

golden gate ficus
Bonsai form Golden Gate Ficus after a quick trim. Before and after shots are another reason why I'm glad I keep this journal: Compare it to when it first arrived!

When I cut the thicker branches, some milk white sap came out of the tips. 

white sapwhite sap

 I didn't take much off, just a few of the larger leaves. I tried to give it an overall rounded profile.

trim golden gate ficus bonsai
Golden Gate Ficus leaves trimmed up

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