
Sunday, March 20, 2016

My Parents' Early Spring Yard Featuring Helleborus et al.

Took a day trip to Dayton to do a little pre-Easter family time and spent a good part of the day outside playing 3 rounds of Easter egg hunts with my nephews and talking plants with my dad. Here's a few of the photos I took of their yard - I don't have the specific variety names for most of these but I can describe them in general.

A variety of helleborus were in full bloom, these "lenten rose" lived up to their name since we're in lent right now I think. I should probably get one for my yard since they make great evergreen leaves and large perennial blooms when everyone else just has crocus and daffodil.

purple lenten rose blooming

purple lenten rose blooming

pink helleborus lenten rose

purple helleborus with wood bench

purple helleborus

So, in addition to the great helleborus show, here are a few other notable features that caught my eye:

coral bells
Coral bells holding color all winter, looks like they even put out some new leaves this Spring, bright lime green.

winter aconite spreading babies
Winter aconite babies spreading like crazy (Eranthis heymalis)
Pachysandra terminalis
Pachysandra ground cover flowering, or Japanese Spurge (Pachysandra terminalis)

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