
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Photoshop Landscaping Mock Up vs. Reality

I've been wanting to do something about my front bed for a few months now. Over time, I'm less happy with how the rocks on the left hand side make an 'eye' shape that takes a bite out of the shape of the mulch bed. Also, since my boxwood go in a nice arch across the front, it would be nice if the bed line followed that same path.

photoshop rock design

I didn't want to get out there and start moving rocks without a plan, so I actually used Photoshop to test out the curves to see if I thought I would like it.

I'm still not 100% happy with the lines. Once you decide to make things symmetrical, then you have to be perfect or it will look funny. Sigh, the things I decide to worry about...

Now the mulch line follows the arch of the boxwood row

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