Check out these macro photos of my baby succulents. I got up close and personal for super detailed shots using just my iPhone 6 and these
inexpensive clip on lenses. The kit comes with a macro lens and two fish eye lenses. They're surprisingly good quality considering how cheap they are!
Aeonium haworthii Echeveria pulidonis after 6 weeks are still very tiny, but with many more leaves and roots than before. Flashback to
Week 3 and
Week 4.They're growing quite slow, but filling in a little more and more each day. Most of the roots are pointing toward the soil and might be growing more underneath.
A tiny Aeonium haworthii Echeveria pulidonis - 6 weeks old |
This Aeonium haworthii Echeveria pulidonis baby already has pink tips on the leaves just like the parent plant |
A detail I didn't notice before, the tiny red tip to the emerging root on this Crassula argentea |
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