This is the start of a list of plants at my new house. I didn't want to delete the old list, but I wanted to have a fresh start here at the end of the cul-de-sac.
We moved in on November 25, 2020 so we haven't even seen the plants that came with the house in bloom or with leaves on them. Some didn't even have plant tags so we will have to try to identify them this spring. Here is what we have so far based on plant tags we've been able to identify.
- Exclamation!™ London Planetree - Platanus x acerifolia ‘Morton Circle’
- Corinthian Linden tree - Tilia cordata 'Corinthian'
- Red maple - Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' front yard
- Serviceberry - Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'
- Acer griseum - Paperbark Maple
- Ilex × meserveae 'Hachfee' - Castle Spire blue holly
- Burning bush - Euonymus alatus
- Lilac - Syringa 'Josee'
- Malus 'JFS-KW5' Royal Raindrops
- Sweetspire - Itea virginica 'Merlot'
- Hydrangea paniculata 'Dolly'
- Boxwood - Buxus 'Arctic Emerald'
- "Taxus Dense" assuming Taxus × media 'Densiformis'
Exclamation!™ London Planetree - Platanus x acerifolia ‘Morton Circle’ |
Malus 'JFS-KW5' Royal Raindrops |
Ilex x meserveae 'Royal Family' |
Buxus x 'Green Mountain' (Cone) |
Western cedar |
Syringa 'Josee' |
Iris sibirica |
Magnolia virginiana 'Sweetbay' |
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