
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hosta la vista, June!

My hostas have been just loving this rainy June weather. Swampy side yards? No problem! Standing water? They love it! In fact, my Hosta 'Patriot' are blooming and my Hosta 'Sum and Substance' are sending up stalks. 

hosta patriot blooming
Hosta 'Patriot' flowers

hosta patriot blooming
Hosta 'Patriot'

Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
Hosta 'Sum and Substance'

Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
I also noticed that my 'Patriot' look-alikes are not blooming yet, another distinction between the two. These 3 are ever so slightly beige around the edges where the Patriot is much brighter white. I tried to look online to see what they could be, but with hostas it's hopeless. I remember seeing another type of white variegated hosta at Lowe's that was similar to Patriot but not quite - I'm guessing that's what it must be because I doubt they are some fancy special order variety. Update: Similar hosta at the store is Hosta 'Libby' with slightly darker slightly twisted leaves.

varigated hosta
These look similar to Hosta 'Patriot' but there are some notable differences - probably Hosta 'Libby'

hosta leaf detail
This hosta has slightly beige edges that aren't pure white like the 'Patriot' and a slightly darker leaf color

hosta 'patriot' leaf detail
Hosta 'Patriot' leaf detail, lighter green with pure white variegated edges
hosta identification
Pretty sure this is Hosta 'Patriot' on the left, and Hosta 'Libby' on the right. Libby doesn't bloom until August and has slightly darker leaves.

american toad indiana
Hello there garden toad! I looked him up online and it seems to be an American Toad, very similar to a Fowler's Toad except this only has 1-2 warts per dark spot whereas the Fowler's Toad will have 3+ small warts in each dark spot.

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