
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Measuring New Growth: Darkest of All, Purple Dome, Wallowa Mountains

A few plants aren't growing much at all, and a few are really taking off! Let's check in on some plants with new growth and new changes.

Erigeron speciosus 'Darkest of All'

Remember when this one was a sidewinder plant? It's now sending up 5 brand new stalks from the base and leaving the old sidewinder stalk out to dry.

Let's see what else we have. This Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' was super tiny when I got it, now it's turning into a small bush and is becoming much more dome shaped. 

Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'

Finally, check out my favorite little plant Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Mossy Sandwort. It's not only expanded and rounded out its edges but it changed texture as well - the tiny longer leaves died off leaving little tight clusters of green. It looks like green coral.

Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Mossy Sandwort
Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Mossy Sandwort
Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Mossy SandwortArenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Mossy Sandwort

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