
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Japanese Forest Grass Finally Taking Root

I got this tiny Hakonechloa macra Japanese Forest Grass from my dad on the 4th of July, and it was very tiny and didn't have much of a root ball on it when it made the car trip from Dayton to Indianapolis. All things considered, this little guy held on for a couple months and didn't kick the bucket. 

Now, I'm super excited to see that it's actually putting up a tiny bamboo-looking sprig of new growth. This is surely a sign that root production has been going well, and the thing is actually going to start growing!

Here is a before and after from July 4 to August 25:

Hakonechloa macra Japanese Forest GrassHakonechloa macra Japanese Forest Grass

And here's a close up of the teenie tiny new growth:

Hakonechloa macra Japanese Forest Grass
Hakonechloa macra - Japanese Forest Grass putting on new growth for the first time since transplant

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