Welcome home new additions! I got a back seat full of plants coming home from my parents' house. Lots of new fun for the shade garden in the side yard, and some Shasta daisies to help hide the utility boxes in the front. I got up at 7am today and did 3 hours of yard work - whew!
Ostrich fern - Matteuccia struthiopteris
Ostrich fern - Matteuccia struthiopteris |
Got a clump with 2 heads from my dad. I put them in my side yard in the place where a Hosta died last Fall. It's a little floppy, and I don't like that it touches the house, but hopefully when it puts up new fronds they are more upright. When a few more of these come in, it will definitely make the side yard look more like a nice forest floor.
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum × superbum 'Becky'
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum × superbum 'Becky' |
Got 2 clumps from my dad to take home with me. I planted them on the neighbor's side of the utility box with their permission (they pretty much said I could do whatever I want). They are nice and tall and don't require staking. They spent the night in a garbage bag so hopefully they root in before the weather gets too hot. It should be upper 70's low 80's all week, so I think they've got a shot.
Japanese forest grass - Hakonechloa macra
Japanese forest grass - Hakonechloa macra |
This little sprig doesn't look like much now, but hopefully by next year it will be a nice 3 foot wide bushy bamboo-ish grassy clump. I want to use Japanese forest grass in several places around my side yards, and it all starts with this bunch I got from my dad. It's not much to look at now, but it's alive!
European wild ginger - Asarum europaeum
European wild ginger - Asarum europaeum |
I'm really excited to see what this European wild ginger does in a couple years. I got this clump from my parents' house. It was all over their side yard - I guess it pops up all over the place - here's hoping it naturalizes and mixes in well. So far my side yard plants are all neatly plopped down, and I'm trying to get used to the idea of them touching and overlapping and blending in to create an overall lush bed.
Shenandoah Switch Grass - Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'
Shenandoah Switch Grass - Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' |
this for $1 from Lowe's sale table, looked like shit, fungus on leaves,
only 4 stems, planted in part shade to hopefully hide electric meter. It's worth a shot for only a buck! I won't get too attached until I see that it's growing again. It probably should be planted in full sun, but if I can get it rooted and up to 3 feet it'll do wonders for hiding the meter. It's a little more out in the open right by the garage so not really deep shade.
Cut a tiny piece off the larger of the two Karl Foerster for the back side and moved the iris to block the shorter Comcast box |
Moved some more Siberian iris to the backyard for full sun rehab |
Side yard looking much more lush with the fern. Just need a few coral bells to mix in. Thinking about hiding the AC with a boxwood. |
Other side of the wet shade garden, hoping to add some astilbe next year |
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