Monday, March 17, 2025

Turn Off a Single Sprinkler Head While Leaving the Rest On

That's right baby, we had a super hot June so I bit the bullet and got a sprinkler system installed. But after it was installed, I noticed one spot in the side yard would get way too soggy and hold water. I wanted to turn off just one of the heads, but how? I tried twisting it and just making it very low flow, but it would still fill the area with water - plus my neighbor has sprinklers aiming at the same exact spot. 

sprinkler head popping up through grass with a shut off nozzle to turn off single sprinkler head

After doing some research online and watching about a dozen YouTube videos, I found out it's really hard to permanently turn off a single sprinkler head, but it is possible. I also found that luckily the head I was trying to turn off was this Hunter kind, and I found they sell tips for it. You can buy a nozzle that is basically a shut off nozzle, it's just a small cap that is threaded to go on where the spray tip would normally go. 

red sprinkler nozzle that was replaced with a shut off turn off single only one sprinkler at a time

To install it you pull up on the head (hard enough because the spring is trying to pull it back down) and then unscrew the tip with the sprayer and replace with the solid plastic nozzle cap. 

sprinklers in back yard with black fence
These longer range sprayers (black cap on top) don't have an easy shut off nozzle that screws on, just the colored Hunter kind like the red one above.

It worked like a charm on my very first try, I kept the tip in a drawer and I actually put it back on for when they came to blow out the system in the fall because I wasn't sure if having a solid stop nozzle would do anything when they are trying to blow it out. But once they turn it back on, I can just go unscrew the red cap and put the solid one on again. 

The Hunter shut off nozzle was 3 for $2 on Sprinkler Supply or you can get one at a time on Amazon but they are more expensive. The part was called Hunter - 916400SP - Hunter Pro-Spray Shut-Off Nozzle Cap / Nozzle.

print off of satellite photo of yard with marker drawn to show sprinkler lines
Had sprinkler install company draw with marker on a map of my house showing where they put the lines

For reference if anyone is curious, we have 0.27 acres and ended up getting 6 zones for $5344 about 32 sprinkler heads I think. I got the company to draw where they put the lines, they normally say just take a bunch of pictures of your yard after it's installed, but I had a print off ready and said draw with a marker where you put everything. 

progress photo one month after sprinkler installed
One month after sprinkler install

progress photo two months after sprinkler system installed in small yard
Two months after sprinkler install

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