Friday, September 11, 2015

Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Turning Brown

I have a special place in my heart for Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' because it's so super cute and it was $10 for 4 square inches of this stuff. It's recommended for the dryer western states, but I'm giving it a go in Indiana. This was probably the worst summer to try something normally suited for high elevation. We had record rainfall in June, and now we have humid hot weather with very little actual rainfall - even the lawns are turning crispy brown up and down the street.

So that's where we currently find my Wallowa Mountains, turning brown probably from getting full southern sun all day with temps in the 80s-90s and sticky humid.

Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Turning Brown
This side of the plant seems to be doing okay, I wonder if it rooted in better or if it avoids some of the direct sun.

Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Turning Brown
Arenaria 'Wallowa Mountains' Turning Brown

On the High Country Gardens website (where I ordered mine from) another customer wrote a review. His name is Denny and he's in southern Michigan which is pretty close to my same weather. He wrote "Plant may partially die off, but be patient. It will grow into an attractive plant." That pretty much sums it up! I wish I could get in contact with him to get more information, but we'll see what happens.

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